Hoi iedereen!!

Ok so all I can say is the Lord knew tulips were my favorite flower before He assigned me to the Netherlands. Andddd we're going to the tulip fields today and I'm SO EXCITED there will be SO MANY pictures taken and I'm just living my absolute best life right now and I love tulips so this is the best day ever. 😁😁 So please enjoy the many photos from the tulip fields and our impromptu trip to the beach haha :))

Anyways! On to the rest of my week haha :)

- it was koningsdag in the Netherlands!! Everyone wears as much orange as they can. Because it's the King's birthday and orange is the national color. Natuurlijk. Helaas, we missed the majority of the festivities because we had an orientation meeting and spent the day traveling. But I made myself a headband and got to see a ton of my favorite missionaries!!

- We tried to go visit one of our less active members that lives on an island up north. We made it up to the ocean!! We couldn't get our card to work for the ferry, so that's as far as we got. But I impulsively spent €.20 to look through the binocular things and it was the best choice of my life. 

- We've been meeting with so many less active members and I love it. Meeting new people and growing friendships with them has definitely been one of my favorite parts of my mission. 🥰🥰

- In fast and testimony meeting on Sunday a Zuster shared about a missionary couple that had served here a few years ago. I got up to share my testimony and mentioned that the same couple were my neighbors back in America, and I know there are no coincidences. :) I love this branch so much!! I'm so grateful to have met everyone here. Their examples and testimonies never cease to amaze me.

I've learned to rely on the Atonement even more this week. All it takes is praying and being willing to do what you can to change the situation, and He somehow works it all out. I could not live without the comfort and peace that brings me! Because of Jesus Christ, everything will get better!! 

Ik hou van jullie!! Het is niet makkelijk maar het is altijd mogelijk. Jij kunt het doen!!

Tot volgende week!! 🌷


Zuster Weaver

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