Hi everyone:)

The day I have been waiting for my entire mission is finally here, and I found out about it two days ago. :) I get to go to the Den Haag temple tomorrow and I could not be more excited :) I LOVE the temple. It has been 353 days since I've last been to the temple, and I have missed it so bad. I am beyond excited I have the opportunity to go to the temple on my mission! If you haven't been to the temple recently you should make time to go. Because the temple is amazing and I love it!! Go again for me this week ;)

Anyways. I just love the temple and I can not wait to go tomorrow :) I'm pretty excited :))


Other than that this week has been good haha! No flat tires. We did have a few run in's with flirty drunk guys, but luckily they were in a boat in the canal so it was easy for us to walk away. Count your blessings, haha! I was a little sick for most of the week so it was a little slower. I did a lot of catching up on sleep and that good stuff. My music video I filmed with Zr Lund a few months ago finally came out!!!! It looks pretty good haha :) I didn't memorize the music so I had NO idea what I was playing, but you can't even tell haha! I'll add the link below! We did weekly planning at a cool little park and had fun on a little zipline and a ...boat pulley thing. It was the best haha!! Videos in my photos album if you're interested 😂

We went grocery shopping this morning and I found one of my favorite card games at the store. In Dutch. The LEEUWARDEN version. Of course I had to buy it, and we're going to play it today. I'm sooooo excited ervoor haha!!

Geestelijk gedacht deze week: John 14:18 - "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." We go through a lot of hard things in this life. It's not easy, it wasn't meant to be easy. But our loving Father in Heaven hasn't left us to do it alone!! He will always be there to support us. He's given us so many people around us to turn to ook. He's got our backs, eternally :)

Ik van jullie!! Heb de beste week ooit! 


Zuster Weaver 




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