You guys, Home MTC. That's it. That's all I have to say. Haha just kidding, it's a lot of fun!! Pretty exhausting. But my teachers are super cool! I'm trying to get to know my district more, but there hasn't been a lot of bonding time yet. Hopefully that will come. My comp is the GREATEST. She is super cool!! We both love to read and we both were in orchestra growing up, so that's fun! She loves Jane Austen, so we bonded a little over Pride & Prejudice ;) 😂 My cute comp Zuster Lay We've had zoom workshops across the whole MTC with all the new missionaries. Shout out to Vanem Peel and Elder McBride cuz I know you guys and it was fun to see you haha. We have roughly 6 hours of class everyday, plus a one hour workshop some days, and 3 hours of study. I think I clocked about 10 hours of screen time on Thursday... If you're doing HMTC, invest in some blue light blocking glasses. They're nice haha. Also make sure that you find time to exercise, be...