De tempel was BIJZONDER.

Hallo iedereen!!

I went to the temple on Wednesday and it was the best day of my life!! I was able to listen in Dutch and it made me so happy. Between how many times I went through before my mission and how much better my Dutch is getting, I understood so much :) It was just the best. :) We got lunch afterwards with our district and it was a great day!!

We went to visit a sister in our ward on Thursday evening. They were having a huge festival called the Tall Ships Race. There were huge boats from all over the world, vendors, food trucks, it was wild. It was so much fun though haha!! I've never seen so many tall ships. Did we miss our train there because of a 10 minute nap/brain break I needed? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. 🤷‍♀️😂

We had a lady show up to church on Sunday with her son. She asked me in English if anyone spoke Spanish. I said no, but I can ask! She sat through sacrament and ended up talking with the friend a member had brought with her who spoke Spanish. I translated Sunday school for her--I'm not sure how much she understood, but I only got Dutch to English skills! No Spanish in there yet 😅 Zr Flake talked to her after church and it turns out she's a member!! She moved from Aruba recently. So that was pretty fun!

I made peach crisp this week!! It was echt lekker. So I'm making it again today to share with my district haha! 

Thought for the week: don't you ever, EVER forget how important you are. You are special and unique. God needs you where you are for a reason. Sometimes it may be hard to find that reason, but don't you dare give up. The chance to be here on earth is precious. Elder Holland said it best: "In a world that so desperately needs all the light it can get, please do not minimize the eternal light God put in your soul before this world was." You need to be here!! Don't forget it!!

Ik hou van jullie, jullie zijn geweldig:) Heb een echt goede week!!


Zuster Weaver

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