Ze blijft in Leeuwarden :))

Hallo jullie!!

What a week :) ...yes, every week is like that, but still haha?? 

- We got a referral that wanted a Book of Mormon this week!! ...turns out they live on the islands that are in our area, so tomorrow we're taking the ferry to Terschelling to drop off a Book of Mormon ;D Missionary work can be a lot of fun sometimes haha!!

- We had interviews with President and Zuster Watson!! The amount of love I feel from them is incredible. They love and support each missionary in the best way that they can. They're trying to help us all learn how to live our lives and do missionary work at the same time!! Not always an easy task haha :) We celebrated President's birthday with him too which was so fun!!

- We did a ton of service this week! One of the YAs in our branch is painting his apartment so we helped with that, we weeded a garden, and we scraped paint off doorways. All the good stuff!

- There was a huge volleyball tournament this weekend!! People come from miles around to play. It's a great missionary opportunity ;) Saturday we spent the whole day playing volleyball with people from across the Netherlands!! I was echt sore and had a bruised forearm... but it was so worth it!!

- I spoke in church!! Hopefully my Dutch was understandable haha :) It was pretty fun!

- Transfer news!! I get to stay in the most amazing place of Leeuwarden!!!! I'm SO happy. I loveeee this branch and these people. I'm not ready to go yet!!!! I'm so grateful I get to stay and get to know them all a little better. My new comp is Zr Flake, and she's already the best :))

My thought for the week:: Every interaction with someone can change their life--is it for the better or for the worse? I try to make people's days a little bit brighter. :) It doesn't always work, it isn't always possible. But I know I'm always excited to see people and I hope they can tell!! So try to show someone this week that you're happy to see them. Maybe they'll be a little happier to see you haha :)

Ik hou van jullie!!! De kerk is waar!! Prayer works and Christ is always ready to help. You got this :)


Zuster Weaver


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