Terschelling Gang 🛥🙌

Hoi iedereen!!

This week was only 4 days. It still felt like a while haha! It's been a lot of fun!

Thursday we went to Terschelling, one of the islands in our area, to give a lady a Book of Mormon she had requested!! We took a two hour ferry ride to this island so she could get her copy. Unfortunately, she wasn't home when we stopped by... We left it in her door, and spent the rest of our lunch and dinner hours exploring. We did weekly planning on the island too. We saw about as much as you could of it with only walking and one bus ride! 

Friday we needed to go to Den Haag. Some other sisters were going to be there around the same time and wanted to go to lunch. I was all down for it, I just didn't have any money left. I had used all the missionary funds and needed to wait for the next refill. I had no desire to use my personal money, but I still wanted to eat. I said a prayer and asked Hemelse Vader to help me out. I didn't know how He would, I just knew He could. I ordered one of the cheapest things on the menu. The total came out to €3,50. I decided to count up how much change I had. Low and behold, in ,50, ,20, and ,10 cent pieces I had €3,50!!! It was a really cool little miracle for me. I definitely still felt hungry after my little sandwich. (It tasted delicious, there just wasn't a lot of it.) We still had a 2 hour ride back home and a lesson before dinner. My second miracle of the day was that I wasn't starving by the end of it!! I somehow survived. I'm very grateful to a loving Father who watches out for His children everywhere!!

Saturday afternoon we went street contacting. (...crazy, I know lol!) We talked with a few pretty cool people! One lady totally called me out on not being able to roll my Rs and she's so right haha. I connected with this boy who was probably around 10 about having younger brothers. We both said we love our family, but sometimes they can make us mad... 😂 (that's mostly in the past though. I'm over it now!) And we met a professional boxer from Kenya who's Christian and loves the Bible!! We invited him to church but he had a boxing tournament. Hopefully he'll come next week though :))

And here's your little reminder that God loves you!! He's watching out for you always. Whether it's making sure you have enough coins for lunch or putting a few really cool people in your path to make you feel better at street contacting, He's paying attention to you!! 

Something I heard today was "Chase Jesus--not perfection." I often catch myself running after something that isn't important or that isn't worth my time, all because I think it's what I need to be. But I need to be chasing Jesus! He's the most important One out there. And He loves you so much. :)

Ik hou van jullie!! Have the most amazing week ever :))

Zuster Weaver 

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