
Hallo iedereen!!

I'm very happy to report that my migraine is gone!! I was out for a little while on Wednesday. The drive to district council took more out of me than I'd like to admit... But it was still an awesome week!!

- We're still meet with one of my favorite people every week to help her build her house :)) I learn sooo much from her every time we go, and it's not just about construction!

- We had a language study with a really sweet sister in our branch!! Best idea ever. I feel wayyyyy more edumacated in het nederlands now. Still a ways to go, haha, but I've been feeling pretty good about it recently!! (...which probably means in a few days I'll start feeling pretty bad about it. Humility, folks ;) )

- We're going to Schiermonnikoog today with our district!! It's a little island north of our area. We're taking the ferry and renting bikes and I'm SO excited!!! (We played ultimate frisbee on the beach, saw a few light houses, biked a lot, and I got FRIED. Best day ever :) )

- Transfers are this weekend!! Next week transfers are Tuesday and P day is Wednesday, so next time I'll check in it'll be a new transfer. ✌️ I really hope I'm staying in Leeuwarden, I LOVE this branch. But we'll see what the Lord has for me.

I'm so grateful for the power of prayer!! Heavenly Father loves us so much He gave us direct access to Him anytime we need it. I just think that's pretty cool. :)

Ik hou van jullie!!!!!! Jezus houd van jullie ook!!!


Zuster Weaver 


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