You CAN get pulled over on a bike

Halloooooo iedereen!!

Some weeks are just ....gek lol. There are some days that just feel like REAL mission days 😂

- Zr Hanny fell off her bike

- the same night, I almost got hit by a car on my bike. (I didn't. Also I had the right of way, it wouldn't have been my fault)

- I fell off my bike (a first on my mission)

- a very nice man saw it happen, invited us into his café that's very much not in business, and proceeded to give us samplings of what I think was baklava. I've never had baklava before--it was lekker haha! He spoke a tiny bit of Dutch and Arabic, so that communication was fun

- decided we deserved kruidnoten (a Dutch Christmas cookie 🎄) as a reward after street contacting and me falling off my bike, so we went to try and find the kruidnoten store

- it was raining at this point

- then I got pulled over on my bike for riding where I'm not supposed to. They asked for my ID, got my statement lol (I had NO idea there were places you could get fined for riding your bike) I was on the verge of tears, Zr Hanny got away fine-free cuz she doesn't legally have an address here yet

- we were both very on the verge of tears after that, I decided I just wanted to go home so we left.

- but there was a museum on the way home featuring their t-rex exhibit so we stopped and looked at the t-rex for 10 minutes and it was the best thing that happened that day 🦖

- I got a €70 fine for riding my bike. And got laughed at by the entire mission office, this is a first for the mission hahaha. (In the past 3 months I've gotten a flat tire, got tboned, and got pulled over on my bike. The senior couple over transportation LOVES me 🤦‍♀️😂)

- got three texts this week from people we've been meeting with saying they aren't interested. That one hurt, more than the fiets fine...

- had a lot of lessons fall through

- biked a TON cuz the weather was PRACHTIG (don't worry, no more biking fines)

- finally had real friets (those are fries 🍟 -- not to be confused with fiets, that's a bike 🚲)

- and finally made it to the kruidnoten winkel. Got lost on the way there, couldn't find it either. But hey, after all our trouble we got it.

- oh I got a ukulele this week too, #imamusician I taught myself how to read tab haha

- finished the mission song!! If you're lucky I'll probably send a video of it home sometime haha

- went to Madurodam (the tiny model of the Netherlands) for pday and got lunch in den haag

- won the kahoot in our zone language study #leeuwardenforthewin

- impulsively decided to sleep on our balcony Saturday night!! It was a little cold, but the closest thing I'll get to camping on my mission haha:)

- went to Apeldoorn for another Christmas concert rehearsal

- SET UP OUR CHRISTMAS TREE we had a tiny Christmas party and listened to Christmas music and put up our decorations and gave each other presents it was actually the most GEZELLIG time of my life hehe (Halloween who..? 😅) 🎄🎄🎄

Anyways WOW sorry that was a lot.

Something I've been thinking about this week is how God has been showing His kindness to me! Pres Eyring mentioned it in his conference talk recently. And wow, God is a very kind person haha :) He's blessed me with tender mercies and amazing friends and the best branch EVER and Christmas trees and so many more things. God is showing YOU kindness every day!! Are you able to recognize it??

God is goed en ik hou van jullie!! 


Z Weave 🇳🇱 ❤️

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