Heyyyy jullieeee

Wow this week was SO good. Veel dingen heeft gebeurt. Veel mooie dingen :)

- went to a castle on pday!! SO mooi, holy cow when I picture a castle this is what I see haha it was the best

- WENT TO THE TEMPLE oh my gosh you know it was better than the castle cuz it's GOD'S castle. It made me so happy. I got to see a ton of awesome missionaries, it was so much fun to spend time with them. And the amount of LOVE and PEACE I felt in the temple is crazy. Man I can't wait to go every week again! If you have a temple nearby please go for me this week cuz it's the best haha :)

- made monster cookie bars for my district #lekerrrr I love my district they're actually just quality people

- might have gone on a date..? It was unintentional, I promise πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚ we met up with someone we'd been talking to on Facebook and he had a friend and he bought us ice cream. It was a little awkward but also just really funny, we might be helping him learn English so stay tuned haha

- my favorite senior couple from the office drove TWO HOURS to take us to lunch on Saturday. Oh man. Other than the temple, HIGHLIGHT of my week hahaha. (They're also the ones over transportation--they still like me though so we're good πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚) we got pannenkoeken and it was so lekker!!

- biked a lot again, but the weather is getting worse so we'll see how long it lasts

- had a REALLY AWESOME conversation with this super sweet girl we've been doing Dutch studies with, it was so spiritual and actually the coolest thing ever

- we had --> 35 <-- people at church on Sunday!!!! It was GEK I loved it so much fun hehe :)

- had an awesome lesson with our friend Mirjam who came to church too!! She asked so many questions and is SO geΓ―nteresseerd in the Book of Mormon, we told her about where it came from and it was so natural and easy and it was the best.

- took pictures by the faces, went to the baptismal monument again, snuck in two more dinner appointments before the end of the transfer (you know how it goes haha πŸ˜‰)

- TRANSFER NEWS --> yall I'm staying in Leeuwarden. Again. In my favorite place. I'm SOOOOOO happy haha I love this place these are my people I do NOT want to leave!!!! Luckily I don't have to yet haha :) I'm getting Zr Thomas and I can't wait to introduce her to the COOLEST area with the BEST members and actually just the best everything. Y'all I love this place I'm not leaving ❤️❤️ #leeuweaver

- helped Zr Metje put her Christmas tree up!!! Oh it was zo gezellig. Ik hou van haar!! 

- got wool socks and a NATIVITY in a lil package from home, y'all I've never been more excited for socks hahaha. And my nativity is so cute hehe

Thought of the day: just love people. Love is so important. It's really been hitting me lately how much love I get from my branch and all the people and friends in my mission. Then I realized that you get out of it what you put into it. The more love you put in, the more love you get out. And WOW I love this branch and this mission and these people. And I want them to know that!!

Ik hou van jullie:) you're doing AMAZINGGG


Z Leeuwarden 😁πŸ₯°


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