Hagedissen 🦎

Hoi hoi jullie, hoe gaat het??

Ok so here's some cool stuff that happened this week:

- we got rear ended, ✨️again✨️ luckily it left no mark and we were only going 15 km an hour but mannnn I need to stop

- did language study at the library, I read a book about dinosaurs in honor of Isaac (love you bro see you soon) and learned my favorite words of the week, struisvogel en hagedissen:)

- had dinner with Bep, she gave us chocolate letters and I love her that's all 😭πŸ₯°

- literally slept all day Saturday, my body said *no*

- gave a talk in church on Sunday, it was a little short and my body was not doing great by the end, but hey we made it through!!

- went to Apeldoorn for Christmas concert rehearsals!!

- went to Den Haag and the mission office yesterday, I still wasn't feeling well so that was great. I was able to get a priesthood blessing and that was very nice :) I'm so grateful for the incredible people I get to serve with and how much support they give!! I decided they need to stop being so kind and loving, because then it will be easier to say goodbye haha...

I only have four weeks left of my mission. And I don't like that. I've definitely been in the denial stage and it has not been helping, so I'm working on accepting it πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ the thought of leaving my branch and my mission hurts so bad. I love these people so much and it's going to tear me apart to have to say goodbye. It's already lowkey tearing me apart haha:) I know I will see them all again, in this life or the next, which is barely helping me get through this. If anyone has tips let me know, I do be crying up here lol ✌️😭

But in other words haha, God loves you!!!! He knows what you need. He's got a perfect plan for you and my testimony of that has only grown on my mission.

Ik hou van jullie!! Blijf geweldig:) 


Z Weave πŸ‡³πŸ‡± ❤️ 


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