wait i dont even speak dutch

Hoi jullie!

Hope y'all have had a gezellig 7 days since the last time I sent an email :)

- We went to Ameland last pday! It's an island in our area. We tried to visit a member that lived there, she wasn't home and her husband didn't seem interested. But we got to go to the lighthouse and the beach!! May have missed our bus on the way back, meaning we missed our ferry too. It was the best part of my day haha it was hilarious! #lekkerislandchillen

- Had taal studie with my favorite member again! She gave us a whole tour of her house while telling us about Christmas traditions in the Netherlands and in her family. ACTUALLY the best :) she made gebakde liver for us for dinner! Chicken liver with apples, bacon, onions, peas, and rice. ... probably one of the weirder dishes I've had on my mission. But it was good! 🤷‍♀️😂

- ZONE CONFERENCE let's goooo

- We have these things called a surprise toespraak, basically it's to scare everyone into writing a 5 minute talk in Dutch and they pick two people to give it at zone conference. Usually it's one of the newbies that gives it. Due to the fact that my comp is new to Nederland AND it was her first zonecon, I was positive she would give it. ...I might have gotten a little too cocky with that? So next thing you know, Zuster Weaver gets called up to give her surprise Dutch talk. That I spent about 20 minutes preparing and haven't looked at since two days ago. 😂 it was QUITE the time, but I think it went well enough!! Not as put together as it could have been, but then again that's not the point of a surprise toespraak 😂

- the highlight of my zonecon might have been when the native dutchie saw that I was doing roleplays and was like "oh zr Weaver, you're fine" and walked away to correct someone else's Dutch hehehe i think i made it :)) 😂

- had exchanges in Apeldoorn met Zuster Boyer!! Lots of fun, always a party

- we had SEVEN people at church this week!!! Richard was there, he even bore his testimony in sacrament and let me tell you I was on the verge of happy tears 😭😭 AND six of our returning members, Wieke came again!!!! And she brought her boys. Anje was there, she hasn't been to church in years and she bore her testimony too!! One lady brought her five kids AND her husband that isn't a member, we literally had a bigger primary than we normally have elders quorum. It was actually the coolest. It made me so happyyyyy

- Actually came 🤏 this close to getting hit by a car today, then a bike. But I didn't. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it through my mission without getting hit I should prolly be more careful 😅😬 mom I promise I'm trying haha

Here's my cool story for this week --> Monday morning I was doing my personal study and reading in Preach My Gospel. I read iets over using family history work to find people to teach. I've never done that before and was curious about how it would work. I didn't think too much further about it, I had something else I was working on during my study. But then we went street contacting later that day. (And we all know how much I love that lol, I'm getting better I promise haha) I felt like we needed to talk to a lady sitting on a bench. She told us all about her family problems and how they didn't want to talk to her. But then--out of no where--she just brought up her stamboom?? Her family tree?? It was crazy. We're talking to someone on the street and she just brings up family history the exact same day I'd read about it in personal study. It was funny but I saw it as God working in my day. He knew I was trying my best and didn't really want to be talking to people, so He sent me a little sign saying that things were working together the way He wanted it to. The only time I think on my mission that I've talked to someone in our first conversation about family history haha. Kinda cool, kinda love it :)

Anyways. How have you seen God's hand in your life recently?? It's there, I promise :)

Ik hou van jullieeeee have the best week ever!! Don't get hit by a car ✌️🚗


Z Weave 


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