
It finally happened

The day I've been waiting for me whole mission, that I honestly thought would never come

We were in a fancy church and I asked if I could play the organ


Anyways, that's all. That was my week. :)

Haha just kidding, but definitely a highlight ervan 😂😂 here are a few other things that happened -->

- zusters pday in Amsterdam!! I went to the Anne Frank huis again and the Van Gogh museum. I got to play an organ in a church and I was GRINNING the whole time, pics and videos below ;)

- we had dinner with Bep!! She asked if we could stay in touch by letter when we went home, she literally got out her address book and had us both write down our addresses and gave us her address too 😭 tell me WHY Leeuwarden is actually the best place to be, I love these people so much!!

- had a regional relief society conference for everyone in the mission!! All the zusters were there, it was fun to see everyone! We took pictures by the temple together afterwards. Got to see my MTC comp Zr Lay!! 🥰😁

- had a last zone council together before a few people got shipped off to new areas

- oh also I'm staying in Leeuwarden another transfer, best transfer call ever 🙌

- some days are harder than others, some weeks are harder than others. But that's why God puts amazing people in your life to help you out. 

- and never forget --> You are doing a FREAKING GREAT JOB!! You got this, God loves you and I love you, let me know if you need anything cuz you're actually just doing amazing :)


Zuster Weaver 


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