Just Don't Get Hit 💪🚲

Hallo iedereen!!

The weather is starting to get cooler and I'm so excited, I love fall!! I can't wait for the leaves to start changing its going to be absolutely GORGEOUS. And sweater weather is the best, catch me living my best life in Leeuwarden :)

- TWO people we're meeting with--our friend,  Richard, and a less-active, Wieke--just decided to stop smoking this week. It was the coolest thing. I've noticed God prepares people better than they realize sometimes. And YES please stop smoking it's bad for your health and God will bless you extra for it haha!!
- Did service for someone! We were weeding her backyard and she asked us to pull two stumps out. The selection of garden tools was minimal, so we literally just ...pulled them out. #sterkezusters 💪
- went to the market, got delicious gyros for lunch. Sometimes I remember I'm living in the Netherlands and it kinda blows my mind haha!
- I don't understand why this place constantly has the prettiest sunsets I've ever seen but I'm NOT complaining 😍😁
- got the fietsen out again, finally!! Did NOT lose the groentje in the process, so that's a win 🏆
- "Just go, don't get hit!!" - me, as a trainer
- last pday we met up with our zone and did some cool stuff. There was a piano in the parking garage, and boy howdy did I enjoy playing it. (It was mega out of tune and the C didn't work but beggars can't be chosers haha) 
- We had stake conference this week! Someone did a musical number of "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul." That's always been one of my favorite hymns!! It's held a special place in my heart since I did it for a musical number with one of my comps. It was one of the best, most spiritual musical numbers I've ever done. It's held a special place in my heart ever since. So hearing the exact same arrangement in stake conference was a little sign from Heavenly Father that He's paying attention to me. It was small but it made me smile :)

A quote I loved from my studies this week: "The Lord needs you to change the world!" He sent us here to do big things! He needs you to change the world, even if it's just changing your world. :) Little things we do can have a big impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. So go out there and CHANGE THE WORLD this week and know that Zuster Weaver is out here rooting for you!! 😁

Ik hou van jullie!! Blijft het doden 🙌

Z Weave 

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