Oldehoeve?? Geklommen ✔️

Hallo iedereen!!

Ik hoop dat jullie warm en droog hebben deze week gebleven, want ik niet haha!

- We had dinner with familie Stein. Afterwards Zuster Stein was showing us around their new house. I asked her about her 5 guitars that she has!! So she got them all out of their cases and was telling us about them. Then she plugs in her bass guitar and starts going ham. 😂 She put in a CD with Kenny Rogers and some Dolly Parton and was playing along with the bass line. And let me tell you, a 4-foot-something Dutch lady in her mid fifties shredding the bass guitar, THAT is a sight to see it definitely made my week!! 😂

- Went to institute and listened to Hans Noot, one of the legendary members in the Netherlands, expound on Isaiah. In Dutch. It blew my mind. He's working on translating Isaiah into Dutch again but more correct this time and wow my brain was 🤯

- Had exchanges with the Emmen zusters!! Zr Morrise came to party in Leeuwarden with me, and we partied HARD. It's always so fun to spend time with and learn from other missionaries! 

- it only took my six months but I finally climbed Oldehoeve!! It's the leaning tower that's the face of Leeuwarden. It was so much fun, the view from the top was GORGEOUS. 

- The weather this week was absolutely wack--it would be pouring rain, then 20 minutes later the sun was shining and the ground is dry. But next time you look out the window it's pouring rain again. I don't understand it haha this is worse than Utah 

- we got put in charge of primary on Sunday with approximately 30 seconds notice. It was hectic, I haven't interacted with kids that much in months haha... but we sang a few primary songs and hopefully they felt something of the spirit 🤷‍♀️😅

- The counselor in the branch presidency handed me a card after church--it had an organ on it haha, it made me happy. But him and another member literally wrote me a thank you note from the gemeente thanking me for always being ready to play the organ!!!! I literally love these people so much, have I mentioned that yet 😭😭❤️ I'm never leaving Leeuwarden. That's all.

- I've never seen full rainbows before my mission (probably cuz it doesn't rain in Utah haha) The first time I saw a full rainbow it was definitely an answer to a prayer for me. But I saw TWO this week and holy cow they were amazing. Heavenly Father was giving me a little high five for doing ok haha :) #PRACHTIG

I'm so grateful that God had a plan for me. I'm grateful for the incredible people He included in my plan!! The amazing people I've met on my mission have touched my life in ways I never could have planned. The companions I've had, members I've served, missionaries I've gotten to know. They've all changed my life in little ways that they will never know. I know more of who I want to be now because of the people I've met along the way. He was forming some life long, eternal connections for me when He sent me to Virginia and the Netherlands!! And I will be forever grateful for that :)

God houdt van jou en ik ook!! Jij bent geweldig ❤️❤️


Z Weave 


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