Literally Leeuwarden for Life :))

Hallo jullie!!

Some highlights from this week-->

- We met with a less active member who came to church last week. I've never met her before, but we had quite the ...interesting... conversation with her haha! She told me she couldn't understand my closing prayer in church cuz I talk too fast. So my goal recently has been to slow down a little bit 🤦‍♀️😅

- Said less active member has 2 cats, one is very shy and doesn't like people. But she came up to me and was checking me out, I sat there petting her for a few minutes and the lady was amazed. She said she hadn't seen that happen in the 6 years that she's had her!! I am now a cat whisperer, thank you Savannah (that's the cat's name 🐈)

- Played my cello in church!! They asked me to do a musical number and I chose cello instead of piano for perhaps the first time in my life, I was kind of proud of myself haha!

- There were SO MANY gorgeous sunsets and moons this week

- We went to the monument for the first baptism in the Netherlands! It's so cool that it's in our area :))

- unfortunately did NOT purchase another nativity this week. But that's probably a good thing, I don't know if my suitcases or my bank accounts could handle a one-a-week haha!

- made my mom's monster cookie bars for district council, they were a huge hit!! And also delicious, a little taste of home haha :)

- went to the pannenkoekschip for lunch!! Delicious. Pannenkoeken in a pirate ship--what could be better??

-  ...accidentally had an extra meal on Saturday cuz one of our friends prepared food for us. I ate so much. I felt disgusting. ....the same thing happened on Sunday. Two accidental meals in two days, I'm still recovering lol.... 😂

- transfer news!! IM STAYING IN LEEUWARDEN. AGAIN. And I'm getting a little greenie sister straight van de MTC!!! I'm so excited!!!! Definitely a little nervous, but so excited. And so happy to stay haha:))

- the JOY that was on Petra's face when I told her I was staying made me so happy, Dikkie told me she was happy I'm staying, the members were all a little surprised, but hopefully it's a good surprise haha! I love these peopleeeeee

Just a reminder of how perfectly God has planned your life! Sometimes it doesn't feel like it goes according to plan. But it always goes according to His!! It's easier to see His hand in your life when you look back, but I promise it's always there. He's looking out for you and He's giving you the exact experiences you need to have to lead the life He needs you to leave!! 

God loves you, and so do I:)


Zuster Weaver

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