Cheese croissants & the temple 🥐

Hoi jullie!

This week has been wild!! But so amazing too :))

- Stayed at the mission home Tuesday night! It was my first time being there, it was so much fun. I'll always treasure the memory of sitting on the couch in my pajamas, talking to Sister Watson in her pajamas, and seeing President Watson walk in in a white shirt and tie and shorts after a long zoom meeting 😂

- I got up early to help President make breakfast! Seriously one of my favorite parts of the week. I learned how to make cheese croissants and boiled eggs! (Don't tell anyone it's taken me this long to learn how to boil eggs I'm trying haha) It was a very gezellig morning and I love President Watson!!

- orientation day at the mission office!! Got to see SO many of my favorite people, man I love this. And I got to go to the TEMPLE again!!!!!!! 😁😁 it was a great day. That's all :)

- We had a few extra minutes one night, Zr Hanny looked at me all excited and was like "street contacting?!?" ......I'm not the most fan of street contacting, but she has the courage and the desire to start conversations and I have the Dutch to keep it going. Stay tuned for my trainee training me on how to street contacting 🤦‍♀️😅 but I did it!! And we even made a goal to go once a week, which is a HUGE step for me lol! #vooruitgang

- we had a Spanish lesson with one of our members, it was great I had no idea what was going on

- we had a Persian lesson with our friends Yosra en Hamid! It was great, I had a slightly better idea of what was going on. I'm so grateful for missionaries who know other languages haha! If you need anyone to help out with a Dutch lesson I got you 😉😂

Spiritual thought of the week comes from a really cool experience we had yesterday-->we were driving down the road and I saw a lady walking down the sidewalk. Funnily enough, this was the THIRD time I'd seen this lady crossing this bridge while we'd been driving down the road somewhere. Last time I saw her I recognized her and thought you know, if we see her again, we might have to stop and talk to her. So here we are today, and I saw her again. My mind starts racing--we're waiting for traffic, there's no where to pull off on the bridge, I guess we'll just take this round about and turn around, park, and run to meet her. I had no idea what we'd be saying. By the time we'd parked she was crossing the road, we were trying to run after her without being weird haha. We finally caught up to her right as she was walking into her apartment building. We started talking to her, she saw who we were, and said "No, only on Sundays." ?? She waved us off and walked inside. Of course all my Dutch got stuck in my mouth so we were just standing there a little confused. But right as that's happening, someone else pulls up on his bike. He starts talking to us and asking us questions. Why we're here, where we're from, what we believe. It was quite an interesting conversation haha! We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and getting his number after a 15 minute conversation! It was seriously the coolest miracle. If we hadn't stopped to try and talk to this lady we never would have met and talked to Ernest. Even where we ended up parking gave us the perfect timing to run into him. The prompting didn't end up with us talking to the lady I saw walking down the sidewalk for the third time--but it helped us meet Ernest!! Sometimes God's plan for you doesn't lead quite where you think it will. Sometimes the spiritual promptings don't work out quite the way you think it should. But it's ok, because if you acted on the prompting you will get the blessings from doing so!! God has His hand in ALL things, down to the timing of when we talk to people and deciding where to park. #wonderenbestaat

God is real!! He loves you!! He wants you to live your best life possible, and He's given you the tools to do so!!

Ik hou van jullie, blijf het doden:))


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