5 maanden in Nederland

Hallo iedereen!

- We had zone conference this week! I love getting to hear from my mission leaders and getting to see other missionaries. I played prelude and the opening song on the organ, and man I loved it :) I miss music! But I'm so grateful for the chances I have to share it still!

- We had a really good lesson with our friend Richard! He invited us and two of our YSAs over to his house this week for our next lesson, so that's exciting! Missionary work here is different than other places. I'll read emails or hear from other missionaries that they met someone and put them on date 3 days later or they had a few more baptisms this week or something like that. But here we celebrate the little things because those are big too!! It's exciting to see Richard still progressing! 

- Don't tell anyone this haha, but I've played the cello more frequently on my mission than I have years. Even when I was in orchestra I would rarely pick it up and practice outside of class. But I play it more here than the piano or organ!! My sticker chart for practicing works wonders 😅😂 pro tip for the week, if you lack motivation for something make yourself a sticker chart!!

- We had dinner with two new sisters in our ward who just moved from Aruba! It was a bit of an interesting experience, there's a little bit of a language barrier with one. And we got told the entire life story of one of them. I'll say I learned a lot haha! The food was delicious in ieder geval :)

- Petra told me today she's going to pray for me to stay in Leeuwarden!! Transfers are still a few weeks out, but I've put too much into Leeuwarden to leave haha. ...we'll see what happens 😅

I was thinking a little about desire this week. I read Alma 32:27 that says as long as you have the desire to believe you're on the right path. That applies pretty well to everything! As long as you have the desire to do it, you're going to get there. Sometimes I don't have the desire yet but I want to get there. I have the desire to get the desire. Snap je?? Sometimes that's where we have to start!! If you don't have the desire but you want it, just start there. Small and simple steps! You got this :)

Ik hou van jullie!! Have the best week ever!! Let me know if there's anything I can keep in my prayers for jullie :)


Zuster Weaver 


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