Go be a majestic little birdy 🐦🦅

Hey jullie :)

Sometimes I wonder if my week is even worthy of an email, but at this point I can't skip it haha 🤷‍♀️

- kerst muziek? FULL SWING if you aren't listening to Christmas music yet let me be the first to tell you you're MISSING OUT there's too much good gevoelens erin to wait until Christmas time. 

- had like 5 or 6 11-hour days this week. I've been exhausted. Haha. Please don't. And just take care of yourself, you're doing great:)

- decided to bike 25 minutes (8 kilometers) to a different library Monday night! The sunset was GORGEOUS on the way there and it was pitch black on the way back. Doing it for the memories, #noregrets 🚲🚴‍♀️

- despite alles that absolutely CRAZY was this week, we found two new people to teach!! Wonder in and of itself haha :)

- one of the new people we found street contacting last Sunday. He was SO excited to meet us. ...he just never texted us back :/ BUT THEN we got a self referral from him 6 days later!! Turns out we'd gotten the number wrong, but he was so excited he requested a Book of Mormon. He's so excited to learn more and it makes me excited just thinking about it:))

- oh also I'm playing the cello in a Christmas concert in December and we had our first rehearsal this week UGH I love playing music with people and Christmas music and Christmas and music and people, it was amazing and I'm so excited ervoor 😭😁

- an elder in our district was jarig this week so we made him stampot for his birthday!! And for everyone else to enjoy, natuurlijk;) I've never made stampot before but I know how to follow a recipe and how to handle a kitchen full of people so it turned out pretty decent 😂

- went and saw some windmills and a castle last pday, GORGEOUS I don't know how I'm so blessed to serve in this PRACHTIGE land

My favorite verse of the week: Alma 56:46 -->

"Our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fall"

<--wow, that's powerful. God is with you!!! And He will NOT let you fall. Sure, He might push you out of the nest every once in a while, but it's so you can learn to fly :) so go exercise your little wings and be a majestic little birdy cuz God has got your back and He won't let you fall. He's just gotta push you into it sometimes :) 

Don't forget!!! You're doing AMAZING and you are SO NEEDED and there are so many people out there that LOVE YOU. One of them is me, hi, my name is zr weaver and I love and you're doing a freaking great job:)

Maar in ieder geval.

De kerk is waar! Blijf het doden.


Zuster Weaver :)


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