avondetens, dienstbetoon, en een zegening!

Hallo iedereen!!

Ik heb de sterkste verlang om deze hele email in Nederlands te schrijven--maar ik weet dat meestal van jullie zullen het niet begrijpen, dus ik zal het in Engels doen. Helaas lol :)

- We had 5 meals with members this week!! I've never had that on my mission before. It was kind of amazing. 

- We went with one of my favorite members to her patriarchal blessing!! It was amazing. Even being in the same house when she was getting it had the strongest spirit. :) and I just love her, so it's awesome haha :)) ...it included the best Chinese food I've ever had afterwards, so that was fun haha. I tried ginger ice cream and was pleasantly surprised!!

- I made PB cookies out of 4 ingredients. They were good, probably won't try it again though. I've had better :/ 😂 

- We went to two castles/museums last week for Pday!! It was way fun.

- We had a lesson with our friend from last week! Her whole family was there which was awesome. ...but also her neighbor, who was very bashy... that part was less fun. But we very clearly saw the power of the Book of Mormon that night and the whole family stood up for us.

- A lot of our friends are leaving us on read... ...so hopefully that doesn't keep happening!

- WIEKE CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!! We've been meeting with her for months. We had a church tour with her and her boys this week, and she finally came on Sunday!!!! She brought one of her boys and is planning to bring both boys, her nephew, and her sister next week :)) 😁😁

I'm continuing to realize on my mission the full power of the Book of Mormon. Even just the physical presence of it brings me so much comfort, let alone the words that are inside!! I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it can bring us closer to Christ than any other book. It truly is the BoMb ;)

Ik hou van jullie!! De kerk is waar, het boek is blauw, en deze Zuster is haar beste leven leiden :))


Zuster Weaver 

PS IM GETTING MY CELLO THIS WEEK and there's already a musical number I'm participating in so that's pretty absolutely the most excitingness everrrr 


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