So Apparently....

Hoi Iedereen!!

Another exciting week has come and gone!! Time flies so fast on a mission. Here are some of the highlights of this week!!

 - We recorded audio and video for a music video!! It won't come out for another few weeks, but it was so fun to be a part of.

 - ...we got rear ended..? There were no dents in our bumper, just a few marks on the paint. And very little damage to the other car!! Definitely a blessing that it wasn't worse. We spent an hour or so working on paper work. If you're ever planning on filling an accident form out in Dutch, be sure to have your Google translate handy. Even then you still might not know what's happening. 

 - We had a few amazing lessons with some less active members in our branch!! I love seeing the effect the Spirit has on people. They start wanting to change, to make something better of our lives!! It's so fun to be a part of :))

 - I'm driving now! Driving in the Netherlands is a little different than both VA and UT. I have yet to drive in a huge city like Den Haag or Amsterdam... I'm not super looking forward to it, but freeway driving is similar enough that it doesn't take too much thought haha :)

 - and..... TRANSFER NEWS!!!!! I'm getting a cute sister right outta training and right outta America!! To say I'm EXCITED is an understatement!!!! say I'm nervous and slightly terrified is also an understatement!! I've never been the senior-est companion. And now I am! ...and now it's in Dutch, and I'm in the Netherlands, and the only way I'm going to get through this is with the Lord's help!! So if you want to send up some extra prayers for me and my mental sanity and the gift of tongues, it would be hugely appreciated.... maar het komt goed!!!!!

Ik hou van jullie!! I know the Lord is never going to ask us to do something we can't do. It will always stretch us. It will feel hard, sometimes impossible. But that's when we need to turn to Him!! With God, all things are possible. I will be remembering that in the near future haha :) The enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is stronger than anything we'll ever experience. Don't forget that!!

Let me know if there's anything I can pray for for you!

Veel liefde,

Zuster Weaver

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