Keukenhof en Algemene Conferentie 🌷

Hoi jullie!!

This week was awesome. We went to the giant tulip festival in the Netherlands, called Keukenhof. It was AMAZING. I loved it. We did service that morning, we picked up trash on the way to the temple!! I got to see the temple again, and it made my life :)) Then we spent 2 hours at Keukenhof and it was glorious. So pretty!! The next day it snowed... so that was good timing haha! I loved general conference too. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year!! We watched a session with our district which was fun. We ended up watching another with one of our favorite members who has started coming back to church. She told us afterwards that she probably would have turned it off had we not been there. The talks in that session had some heavier topics and it was clearly something she had needed to hear. I'm grateful we were able to do a little part of the Lord's work and help her hear some important things :)

It's the last week of the transfer! I have a few idea about next transfer, but we'll see what happens. All I know is the Lord asks us to stretch sometimes. And it can be hard. So I'm a be praying a lot, haha! :)

Conference was amazing!! I loved the focus on serving a mission. Missionaries get promised some powerful blessings from serving. I've already seen some of those blessings. If you're thinking about serving, just do it. It will not be easy but it will be so worth it. I'm so grateful for the choice I made to serve a mission and how much it has already changed my life. De kerk is waar!!!!!

Ik hou van jullie!! Blijf sterkt and remember God loves you. :)


Zuster Weaver

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