Gewoon doen, gewoon ...don't

Hoi iedereen!!

This week flew by, but it also crawled... haha :) There were a lot of ups and a lot of hard parts! But so it goes. 

- I said bye to Z Lund this week... that was sad. But she's home now with her family, so that's happy:)

- I saw Z Lay, my MTC comp!!!!!! She finally made it to Nederland and even though I'm not serving close to her yet, she's a lot closer now than we were before;)

- I got my new comp!!! Z Medico is just out of training and we're ready to PARTY here in Nederland together. 

- ...I translated for Sunday school at church!! Holy cow, the gift of tongues is real. It was wayyyy far from perfect, but she understood more than if I hadn't been doing anything!! I felt very accomplished and grateful for my studying and for the gift of tongues :))

- We went flower street contacting!! I was so proud of myself haha!! Between the two of us we have very little street contacting experience. But we did it!! And we met a lady who gave us her number and asked to come to church with us, so that was an amazing little miracle. :)

- We've been riding our bikes a ton this week!!! It's been so fun. I love it!!! ...I decided it'd be ok to wear a dress while biking. The weather was gorgeous and I didn't want to change. ... I had to get a little creative to keep it from going everywhere, so I learned "gewoon don't." 🤷‍♀️😅

I've been learning a lot about myself this week. At the beginning of the week I totally stressed myself out over every little thing. It was rough haha. But through the support of my comp and so many amazing people here, I've realized not to be so hard on myself. It's something I've always struggled with haha, but God doesn't ask us to be perfect. He's not expecting me to be a perfect missionary, I don't have to have a perfect plan for the day, I'm probably not going to know the perfect Dutch word. And you know what, that's ok!! There's always room to grow and improve. So many people are willing to help us when we ask. And you can always use Google translate haha :))

Het komt goed, iedereen. Things are gonna get better!! ❤ I'm so grateful for my chance to be a missionary and learn everything I can. De tijd gaat snel, dus geniet ervan toen jij kunt!!

Ik hou van jullie!!!


Zuster Weaver

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