Two years, six months, Christmas, quarantine?

Hallo jullie!!

It's been a crazy week. We had our Christmas devotional on Tuesday, which was so fun!! I was able to play a lot of the music, and I always love that :) One of my favorite things is helping people feel the Spirit through music and I had ample opportunity to do that! So I loved it :) I was able to see a lot of missionaries I've served with in the past which is so much fun! I just love people. So many friends haha! Tuesday was also my two year anniversary of going through the temple! I love the temple so much. There's so much peace to be found there. Find time to go to the temple for me, please haha :) 

I was the designated driver for 6 hours on Wednesday! That was crazy. Drivers here are a little different than in Utah. But we survived, and Sister Arnold is back to driving again haha! Thursday marked my SIX MONTHS as a missionary!!!!! I wasn't ready for that milestone. Still not ready, haha. But I'm excited for everything I have coming up in the next year of my mission!

Friday was also... Christmas Eve! We slept in the living room by our tiny Christmas tree :) And I made green pancakes with little smokies and red berry sauce that my family always does for Christmas Eve dinner!! That was really fun. Christmas was great too!! We had breakfast with some members in our ward and were able to call home for a while. We had dinner with another member family, and were able to go caroling with our district!! I loved it. Christmas is the best. Definitely not the same this year, but that's ok. 

And we might have covid, too. Sis Arnold hasn't been feeling well so we're in the process of getting tested. We may or may not be in quarantine for the next couple weeks! Hopefully not, but if so I'm about to get way better at playing the guitar and ukulele we have here in our apartment haha.

Ik hou van jullie!! Always remember the church is true!! There is so much comfort to be found in the Book of Mormon. It can answer any question you have :)


Sister Weaver

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