Frolijk Kerstfeest!!

Hallo iedereen!!

This week has been crazy! We had a lesson with one of our friends Wednesday night. She said she wants to be baptized again!! We asked if helping her work towards being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost is something she'd be interested in, and she said yes :)) so we're pretty excited to help her with that! We had our ward Christmas party this past weekend too, and we found two potential families to teach. They know people in our ward and are interested in learning more. We have a lesson set up with one of the families this week, I'm so excited to see how it goes!!

We had zone conference this week!! It was amazing, as always. I was able to see some missionaries I've served with before and that was so fun! I love catching up with people. I was able to play the piano for the meeting too, and I loved it. I LOVE helping people feel the spirit through music! I'm playing for our Christmas devotional tomorrow night too, which I'm super excited about. I'm also accompanying some other sisters singing, and playing the cello for another musical number. 'twill be a fun night! 

And Christmas is this weekend!! I'm excited to spend time with the awesome members in our ward. One thing I'm realizing is that holidays on a mission are very, very different. If you're expecting them to be good because of the same reasons they were good at home, you'll be disappointed. But if you focus on other things you'll find they are just as good :) I'm so excited for Christmas. This year I will be more focused on the baby Jesus than any other year in my life. It's going to be different because I'm out here serving Him. Yes, it'll be hard. But the reason it's hard is because I love Him. If I weren't here, it wouldn't be this hard. But I am here and I do love Him, and I'm excited to be out here serving Him for this holiday season. :)

Ik hou van jullie!! I hope you all have the most merriest of Christmases. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. He is the reason for the season!!


Sister Weaver

PS Here is one of our run-throughs of The First Noel, it isn't perfect but it works and I love music :)

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