super leuk :)

Hoi iedereen!!

Ah! What a good week. It's the first week of the transfer, but I can just tell it's going to be amazing already!! :) My companion and I have the same first name, so that's pretty awesome. We spell it differently... which isn't that big of a surprise haha! Transfers were really fun. I got to see so many missionaries!! Including the one and only Sister Rogers :D And Zuster Dunford!! Just so many good people, I love all of them. 

We've met with a lot of members from the ward this week! It's been so fun to spend time in their homes and get to know them. A lot of them have had younger kids. They always apologize for the chaos haha, but it's an unnecessary apology. Sometimes I miss the noise and chaos that lots of kids bring! I've developed the ability to ignore small children running around and focus on what people are saying. It's served me well on my mission haha!! 

We met with two members on Wednesday for lunch. They are both the SWEETEST and so fun!! The member hosting us for lunchd got so excited that I was going to the Netherlands. She had Dutch chocolate ice cream and a Danish pastry, which she knew wasn't quite right--but it was pretty close. ;) She said for next week's dessert she's going to do Dutch apple pie haha! We had other members give us Belgian chocolate, too. We also ate some Belgian chocolate lava cakes. I told Sis Arnold she was pretty lucky to be my companion, cuz I bring in all the good treats haha!!

Highlights from this week:

  • I realized you don't need to cut a bell pepper up to eat it. The only thing stopping you from eating it like an apple is your imagination.. :)
  • The chocolate lava cakes from earlier? One was spilled on the carpet. It was not a good time. But now that spot in our apartment is cleaner than the rest of the carpet!
  • We decorated a gingerbread house with some cute elderly ladies at an assisted living home!
  • There are lots of skeleton lawn decorations still up from Halloween. People have just ...put Santa hats on them! Or taken the top half off and ..left the hips just standing on their front lawn?? 
  • I'm slowly but surely teaching some of the elders in my district Dutch!! We're starting with "super leuk." I appreciate their commitment to learning hahaha!

Ik hou van jullie!!! Merry early Christmas :))


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