
Hallo iedereen!

Hope everyone has had an amazing week!! My week has been pretty good. I'm adjusting more to my companions, their personalities, and the way they do missionary work. So that's been really good :)

Sister Taylor and I were making dinner this week and started talking about country swing dancing! I have been a few times with my friend, but by all means am still a beginner. We definitely started swing dancing in the kitchen though, and it was so much fun! 

We've had some very Spirit-led nights lately. Last night was really cool because as we were praying about where to go, the name of a less-active sister in our ward popped into my head. We'd just tried to stop by the night before but I felt like we should go back. We were able to catch her at home and get to know her for a while! It was awesome to be such an instrument in the Lord's hands. :) Then we headed over to the house of a referral we haven't been able to get in contact with either. But Sis Taylor and  I had both been thinking about her so we had to try! We were able to talk with her too, give her a Book of Mormon, and set up a time to come back!! It was such an awesome night.

Other things from this week!

- We served at the farm again! I tried a bite of jalapeno, straight from the ground. I was very proud of myself haha :)

- We served at a food pantry too, and they had sweet potatoes from the farm! It was so fun to be serving on both ends of the produce from the farm!

- I got to play the piano and the organ for a little while today at the church and it made me happy :)

- Our friend wants to be baptized!! We don't know if she's quite ready yet, but we will definitely work towards it with her!!

Ik hou van jullie!! I hope you're all doing amazinly :) The church is true!! I'm so grateful for this chance to be a missionary!!!


Zuster Weaver

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