Dankbaar dag en mijn verjaardag :))

Hoi iedereen!!

Hoe gaat het met jullie?? Ik ben super goed!!! Deze week has geweldig zijn :D Tuesday marked my 5 months as a missionary, which was so crazy. I feel like I just left. I don't think I'm already 5 months into this journey but here we are haha :) 

Thursday was Thanksgiving! We ate with two families in our ward, and it was so fun. The food was amazing and it was just so wholesome. One family had smoked turkey and oh MAN it was delicious. I could eat it for days. 

We've been doing a lot of tracting and other finding this week. We went to knock on one door of someone who's record we had. We got up to the door and heard really loud music from the other side, it sounded like somone was singing karaoke..... we stood there on the front porch looking at each other, like should we knock..? We decided not to, and just walked awkwardly down the sidewalk... we circled around the block, knocking a few doors, and tried to go back. He was still singing away. So... we decided to try again later. But that's the story of the time we didn't go tracting cuz someone was singing karaoke! 😂😂 

Oh also, vandaag is mijn verjaars dag!! Dus dat is leuk! :) We went on a hike with some elders in our zone, then went to lunch at Five Guys with all the sisters we serve with. It's been really fun!! My younger brother told me I'm really old now because I'm not a teenager anymore... So that was a little unfortunate. But we'll survive haha.

I had a really cool experience with prayer this week. I was frustrated with a lot of things, really tired, hungry, and just a little grumpy. I went and laid on my bed and started telling God about everything I was feeling. I didn't know half the reasons I was upset. I just told Him everything I was feeling, physically and emotionally. I laid there for a few more minutes relaxing. I was fully expecting to have a garbage day because I was in such a bad mood. But after a few more minutes of laying on my bed, I felt way better!! I'm not sure why exactly, other than the fact that I prayed. I told Heavenly Father what I was feeling, and He helped me process it and feel better about things. He really does want to hear from you in every aspect of your life :) He can make everything better!!

Ik hou van jullie!!!! Have the most amazing day!!! Let me know if there's anything I can pray for for you :) 


Zuster Weaver


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