5 months tomorrow???

Hallo jullie!!

Hoe gaat het met jullie?? My week has been good! We've been plugging along at that good old missionary work :) We had our district activity today! It was a lot of fun. We had Thanksgiving dinner together. The elders brought me a cake because they knew I was a little sad about not going to the Netherlands.... tell me that's not the sweetest thing ever. 😭 ...they also bought a flag thinking it was the Netherlands flag? It wasn't, but now I have a new flag to add to my Netherlands and Belgium flags!! We have been doing a lot of finding this week. We got a referral from the Spanish elders, who's super cute and really interested!! I'm excited to start meeting with her and helping her work towards baptism :) we served at the farm again this week too! I forgot to mention this last week but we were there on the day we passed 100,000 pounds of donated produce for this year! That's the best they've done ever. It's awesome because they've realized it's the help from the missionaries that they're able to donate so much. I love seeing the Gospel bless people's lives even if they aren't directly a part of it. 

So yeah!! Lots of good things happening. :) I was asked this week what I have learned on my mission so far and who I want to be by the end of it. I've pondered those questions a lot. They're really good questions haha. I've learned and grown SO much in the past 5 months. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's been unbelievably hard at times, but I love the Lord and my Father in Heaven so I know it's all going to be worth it in the end. And I have so much more to go!! I'm excited :)

Ik hou van jullie!!!!


Zuster Weaver 


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