Mission tour and ZoneCon!!

Hoi jullie!

Holy wow this week has been nuts. We had a mission tour with a member of the seventy. We had a lot of meetings, including zone conference! It was a lot of fun. We got a lot of cool revelation. I was able to recite our missionary purpose in excellent Dutch in front of everyone at zonecon so that was pretty cool haha :)

I'm not going to the Netherlands in two weeks... Which is sad. Not super surprising, but sad. There are missionaries flying out the beginning of December that have their flight plans. And odds are I won't be leaving then because I don't have any flight plans. I'll probably stay in Virginia until the end of December or January. Which is ok! I still love it here, and the Netherlands will be there when I get there haha :)

...Our friend that wanted to get baptized no longer wants to get baptized. She told us never to call her again and got up and walked out of the lesson. It was pretty dramatic. And heartbreaking, honestly... I just want everyone to hear and accept the Gospel! Unfortunately, not everyone wants to. And that's really hard. But God gave us the gift of agency for a reason, and I need to remember that.

So yeah! It feels like a lot has happened, but it also feels like it's all happened so slowly that nothing has happened at all. Thanks for all your prayers and support, I've definitely felt it the past few weeks. :)

Jesus loves you and so do I! De kerk is waar!!


Z Weave


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