Zone Conference is LEUK

Hallo iedereen!!!

Wow. Another week. It flies by so fast, I swear... this week was so good!! We had an AMAZING, spirit filled zone conference. It was so good. I took like 8 pages of notes! One thing President emphasized during ZC was teaching those who are excited for baptism. We shouldn't be dragging them along, trying to force them to keep their commitments. We aren't here to plant seeds any more, the field is white! All ready to harvest!! Sister Rogers and I started the week with about 11 people in our teaching pool. Due to the counsel we received in ZC, we dropped 4 and have 6 more on a "pending" list.... we currently have one friend who's progressing and loves learning about the Gospel. And man, are we grateful for that one friend!! It's taken a lot of faith to let so many people go... but we've been promised a lot of blessings for doing this. As we show the Lord we have faith, He will lead us to those who are ready for baptism and excited to accept His word! He has them ready, He's just waiting for us to show that we are ready to find them. 

We were knocking on doors this week, right after we'd dropped two of our friend's. This sweet old lady answered a door and let us in!! We taught her the first lesson and gave her a Book of Mormon and said we'd come back that weekend. She didn't seem to remember much, she kept repeating questions throughout our visit... but we were hoping her daughter, who she was staying with, was the one who was ready to hear the Gospel. We were so excited to have found a new friend! We went back this weekend though. A man answered the door and said the lady was his mom and had only been staying with them for the day... he was very not interested, although he was polite about it. He had a little girl with him who was absolutely terrified of us too.... that was not a great feeling.... found a friend and lost her within a week. All right! The Lord will provide, eventually... even if He hasn't quite yet. But it's ok! He will!!

There have been a few spots of discouragement this week. But that's how it goes! Overall, it's been a great week. :) ZC was amazing. I loved seeing alle de zendelingen there! Interviews with President and Sister Crankshaw were so good too. Dutch study has been a little rough, but I've been working on learning primary songs and that's been good. So when I'm sad I just sing to myself in Dutch. It's a win win for everyone involved!! It's hard to believe I've been here for almost a full transfer already. Time flies when you're having fun!! Not when you're discouraged, but just go to bed and it will be better in the morning haha ;)

Ik hou van jullie!! De kerk is waar!! Ik ben heel dankbaar voor Jezus Christus!! Hij houdt van u en van mij :))

Sister Weaver

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