Een doop datum??

Iedereen!!!! Ahh this has been an amazing week. Last week was a little rough, but I was able to get a priesthood blessing Monday night. And oh man, I love priesthood blessings. It's amazing how much it helped me. Tuesday was sooo good. Sometimes the day after P day is a little rough, just trying to get back into things. But having a priesthood blessing the night before made it so easy. I just love the priesthood. I'm so grateful that God gives us such easy access to His power, as long as we are worthy. We only need to ask for it!!

Tuesday night we had some really good gospel conversations with a few people. We weren't able to get their numbers, but we gave them ours!! While we don't know how much will actually come out of it, it was really nice to have people actually willing to talk to us!! It helped boost the missionary morale a little haha :)

Wednesday was AMAZING because we were able to put our friend Ev back on date!!!!!!!! It was a really cool experience, actually. We were having companion study that morning and she texted us asking if we were still planning on meeting that night. We were a little confused, because we didn't have a lesson scheduled for that night... But we felt like we needed to make room for her. So we did! It was kind of miraculous how easily the other lessons canceled or rescheduled. Sis R and I planned a quick lesson for her during our comp study, and we felt like we should pick a date for her to work towards baptism on. We thought about it, said a prayer, and felt like October 16th would be a perfect date for her baptism!! We met with her that night, and shared our experience with her. We told her the Lord wants her to be baptized on that day. And she said yes!!!!!!! It was the best feeling ever. It has been so fun to help her work towards this goal, and to continue working towards it. It's amazing how things work out so well. God has His hand deep in your life. Don't ever doubt it!!

Thursday we extended a conditional baptismal invite to our other friend--and he said yes too!!! He's still a little further away, which is totally fine. But he's open to the idea and working towards baptism!!

Saturday we did some service helping with donations for Afghan refugees. We served with 2 other companionships of sisters and a few other people who volunteered. We carpooled to another place (a storage unit) with the CUTEST lady named Nona. She was literally so sweet. We finished at the storage unit, with a little line dancing from most of the sisters. (Cotton-eye joe - the best line dance ever.) The hallway was a little narrow for perfect execution, but we did it and we had a good time with it. Afterwards, Nona asked if she could get us a treat!! Well, it would be rude to say no... She took us across the street to the gas station and told us to get whatever we wanted. It was so cute. She kept asking if we wanted anything else. "In the grand scheme of things, what's another $50??" (I don't think we spent $50... at least I hope we didn't haha!) After the gas station, she asked if we wanted pumpkin donuts. ...well we don't need them, but... she decided she wanted pumpkin donuts. So we drove a little ways to a fall festival corn maze thing that was actually the BEST THING I've ever seen. It gave me American Heritage Center vibes, from Cache Valley. There were pumpkins everywhere. We just went to the market part of it, but it was so cute!! We got apple cider donuts, and they were DELICIOUS. Nona was sooooo sweet. She lives in another sisters' area, and they got her number and are going to keep reaching out to her... ;) after Nona fed us milkshakes and apple cider donutes for lunch, she took us back to our cars. I've decided I want to be like Nona when I grow up. The world needs more people like her :))

Other things from this week:
- We went tracting down this one road... it was a dirt road lined with trees. So we put pass along cards in every mailbox we passed! #missionaryefficiency
- There are two dogs that live in our apartment complex that are siblings. One is very scared of people. But Sis R and I are helping her learn that we're ok. She's starting to trust us!! :)
- I loveeee tiny pumpkins. We were at Walmart today... ...and so were some tiny pumpkins. So we have a few on our dining table and one in the bathroom, because pumpkins are cute and they bring me joy :D

It's been a super good week!! De kerk is waar!! Ik hou van jullie!! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you or anything I can pray for :)

Love, Z Weaver

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