"I'm not interested"

Hallo iedereen!!

Here we are again. It's funny how some weeks fly by, and others just ... don't. This week was a little longer. We've been doing a lot of finding! And haven't really found much!

We knocked a door on Tuesday. A lady answered, but she didn't speak english. She had her son come talk to us. We said we had a message to share about families! And he said we could come back the next day!!! So we went back Wednesday to teach him and his family. But ... his dad answered the door through the ring doorbell. (I don't like those things. At all.) He said thanks for coming, but because of our religion we can't talk about. Which was weird, because we've definitely talked to other people of that religion before. But ok, I guess... We at least planted a seed in the son. Hopefully!

We went knocking on Friday night. Sis Rogers had a prompting to go to a specific road. We were so pumped and ready. We got to this road and both felt like we should knock on a house. We went up to the door, ready to convert this house! A lady answered and asked who we were with. We told her .... She said I'm not interested and closed the door on us. So .... not that house haha. We went back up the road a little. We had one zinnia leftover from serving at the farm last week, so we took it with us up to the door. A nice lady answered this time, yay! She said zinnias were her mom's and her late daughter's favorite flowers!!! So that was perfect :) We talked to her for a good 20 minutes. She was so sweet!! We're definitely going back. To say hi and give her flowers, of course, but also to convert her ;)

I had my first bible bashhhhhh. It was terrible, I did not enjoy. Would not reccomend. I guess it was cool though because afterwards, when Sis Rogers and I were ranting about it to each other, I realized how strong my testimony of this church and Joseph Smith being a prophet really is. I did not appreciate being told it was wrong. Because I Know that it isn't. Joseph Smith was called of God to restore His church and to translate the Book of Mormon. He didn't do it by himself, because he was only a man. He couldn't have done it. The only way he could have, and the only way he DID do it, was through the power of God. And that's the reason I am here in Virginia. That's the reason millions of people around the world, including myself, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Not because of one man who lived 200 years ago. But because of the Spirit and power of God. This is God's true church, and He is helping us spread His word.

That doesn't mean it's always easy though haha :/ We went knocking again last night. We knocked on a door. The guy answered, looked at us, and said "I'm not interested." Ok thanks, but we aren't selling anything. We're actually just trying to save your soul, but if you aren't interested we'll find someone who is! <3

We actually knocked that man's door cuz we were looking for his neighbor haha... when we got the address right and found the right door, a super nice man let us in!! He had a two month old baby that was ADORABLE. It was so fun to just see a tiny baby again haha :) Him and his wife are soooo sweet. We will definitely be going back to visit them too!!

Some other highlights of the week:
We were going to have 6 YSA friends from various other missionaries at church!! Only one came.
We made Halloween gingerbread houses!! As you do when you find kits at Target for $3 :D
We went to Cabela's for a P day activity!! Because we could!! It was way more fun than it should have been haha!
We had a ward BBQ with smoked meats, it was amazing.
Naps can cure an amazing amount of things. But at the same time, doing something productive can also help you feel better... Choose wisely haha :)
We went to a less active member's house for dinner. She's actually the sweetest. <3

One thing I've noticed is a lot more people here are converts to the church. It's pretty fascinating. If any of you are converts, or even born into the church and were still converted, I'd love to hear your conversion story :) (also to help remind me that people do like listening to missionaries and that it works haha) Email me your conversion story!!

Ik hou van jullie!!!!! The church is so, so very true!! God is there and He listens to your prayers!!

Love, Zuster Weaver


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