Nederlands is leuk :D

 Halloooooo iedereeeeen hoe gaat hetttt??

This week was so good!! A little crazy, as always. 

I'm getting better at identifying and following promptings and it makes me happy haha :)) Earlier this week we were going to go finding and were trying to figure out where to go. We said a prayer asking where we should go, and a new member popped into my head. We've visited her a few times. After we prayed I asked Sis Rogers if we'd knocked in the area where this new member lived. She said yeah, we've covered the area pretty well, so I kind of dismissed the thought and moved on. We were getting ready to leave and the member popped into my head again. I told Sis Rogers I felt like we needed to go there, so we did!! We talked to a few people. One guy asked if we believed in the COVID vaccine, cuz he'd join us if it meant he didn't have to get it... we said yes, we do get vaccines. He wasn't interested then πŸ˜‚ after we knocked a few doors we were heading back to the car and passed the new member's house and decided to stop and say hi. We chatted for a few minutes. She told us as we were leaving that she'd been having a super hard day, and that the missionaries always come by when she's struggling and it helps a lot to talk with them. Lo and behold, a few hours later.... ....the missionaries came by!! It was so cool to realize I'd had a prompting and that someone was being blessed because we followed through with it :))

We had 24 hour exchanges this week!!!! #sleepoverrrrrr It was so fun!!! It's the first over night exchange they've done since COVID, so that was fun. I was a little nervous about it but it went super well. I was talking about working at the bakery, and told Sis M, my exchange comp, that I was really good at making sandwiches. We got back to the apartment and I showed her how to make a Bomb sandwich with normal sandwich ingredients. Her mind was blown πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and it made me really happy, haha!! Shout out to Great Harvest, the greatest harvest to have been harvested. Miss my bakery haha πŸ₯²

So the mosquitoes in VA are really bad. I counted 14 bites on one leg, then got 16 more from standing outside for 30 minutes. A total count left me at around 40 mosquito bites. Yay. Hydrocortisone cream is my best friend and that's cool :')

I was able to share my testimony in Dutch with all the other Dutch missionaries!! I shared an experience with my MTC teacher about how saying my prayers in Dutch has helped me get better and how I've seen a little bit of the gift of tongues. She asked me to write it up and send it to her to send out in an email to all the missionaries in reassignments! :) That was kind of a cool thing from this week. Dutch is so funnnn hehe. I'll include it at the end, cuz I know you all can read Dutch ;) 

We went to the farm today for lunch!! Farmer Jim wanted to thank all the missionaries that help him, so we got to go eat food and hang out. It was so fun, I love the farm and I love missionaries haha!!

I hope everyone is doing well!!! Good luck to everyone who's starting school, I'm praying for you haha. I love getting mail and emails, so if you're bored you know where I'm at! 

Love you all!! De kerk is waar!! Jezus houdt van u ook!!!!


Sister Weaver 

""Ik heb in de zendingsveld ben voor drie weeken nu. Daar is niemand in mijn andere zending dat Nederlands spreken, zo het een beetje moeilijk is om mijn Nederlands te gebruiken. Een weg dat ik mijn Nederlands om proberen te gebruiken is door mijn persoonlijke gebeden. Als niemand Nederlands spreken, de Heer spreekt het! En hij altijd mij begrijpen. 

Daar is een grammatica beginsel dat om een beetje moeilijk te gebruiken is op eerste. De "om -- te's" hebben heel gedachten over nodig. Maar als ik bid tot mijn Hemelse Vader, zelfs in de afgelopen weeken, zie ik dat zij beter worden! Ik heb mijn "om -- te's" en mijn Nederlands geoefend. Ik heb mijn taal studie doen elke dag. Ik heb Nederlands spreken voor slechts zes weeken. Vooral met geen andere Nederlands spreken mensen, het is makkelijk om ontmoedigd te zijn. Maar door kleine en makkelijk dingen grote dingen worden.

Ik weet dat wij "regel op regel, voorschrift op voorschrift" leren (2 Nephi 28:30). Als wij onze taal studie doen, kunnen wij Nederlands leren!! De kerk is waar. Jezus Christus wilt dat wij Nederlands leren. Hij heeft dat van ons vroegen. En ik weet dat door Jezus Christus, kunnen wij alle dingen doen. :)""

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