Faith in Finding

Hallo iedereen!!

Wow this week has been crazy. And amazing. Like always haha ;) We had a tornado warning on Wednesday!! We didn't get a tornado, but I didn't realize Virginia got tornadoes... I know what to do in an earthquake, but not a tornadoes. It was a little scary haha! I gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday! Definitely a good way to introduce myself to the ward haha. I get to give the same talk next week to our YSA ward, so that's fun! Sis Rogers and I also did a musical number in Relief Society! We did a piano cello duet of I love to see the temple. It was so fun!! I love sharing music with others :)

So. Sister Rogers loves peanut butter. But only one specific kind of peanut butter. (Skippy creamy reduced fat.) Last transfer they tried all sorts of different kinds of peanut butter. Meaning we had SIX jars in the apartment. I used two of them in some PB bars I made last week, that were super delicious. Then we threw one jar away cuz it just didn't taste good. We were down to 3 jars of PB. Then Sis Rogers bought another jar on P day and got 2 more in the mail from her mom.... so we're back to 6 jars of peanut butter. Food storage, I guess? But hey, to each their own! I'll never turn down peanut butter haha!

We had an amazing mission wide zoom meeting this week. The spirit there was incredible. We talked about how we can grow our faith and re-dedicate ourselves to the work. We had a special fast on Sunday as well. I'm so excited to see all the miracles that come from it!! I know if we truly turn towards the work and let go of everything else, amazing things will happen. We have some high goals as a mission but we're ready to tackle them head on!!

I've learned a lot this week about following promptings. We felt that we should go visit some of our friend's earlier this week and ended up having an amazing, impromptu lesson -- one that we'd had to reschedule 3 times last week. We had another prompting to knock on the door of one house. I felt it but kind of brushed it off, so it was really cool when Sis Rogers said we needed to go back to the same house! I was struggling with my language study a little bit. I felt like I should memorize a primary song in Dutch. I've had the idea before but never really done anything about it. I decided this week to memorize Gebed van een kind (a child's prayer), one of my favorite primary songs. It's already blessed me so much. I love singing it to myself whenever I need a pick me up haha!

De kerk is waar!!!! Ik houdt van jullie!!


Zuster Weaver

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