The Lord's Zoom

 The first full week of Home MTC! I've been getting a lot more used to the schedule, which has been helpful. I've realized what works for me and what doesn't. It's been crazy to realize how much the Lord blesses his missionaries even when they're at home doing Zoom calls. If I'd had to sit through a 3 hour zoom class twice a day for school I would've cried. There's no way I'd have been able to stay awake and focused or been happy to be there. But not with the HMTC!! There are definitely times when it's harder to pay attention, but I can always get back into it. I'll start class in a bad mood, but 20 minutes in I'll be happier and focused on the lesson. It's pretty amazing, and I'm glad it works so well :) It definitely is the Lord's Zoom....

I've really enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my family, thanks to home MTC haha. There's this cute family in my ward that invited me to go to Hyrum Reservoir with them last night! It was fun to sit on the beach and practice Dutch pronunciation while watching the kids in the water. 

Oh yeah haha, that cute family was mine ;)

My comp is still super fun!! We sat and talked for a good hour on Monday after comp study. It was so fun! I'm grateful for her and how well we get along. We also taught our first practice lesson this week!!! It was so stressful. We figured it went pretty well. We got feedback from the lady we taught, which was super nice. She only had positive things to say! So that felt really nice!! To know that we were able to help her a little, and teach a little about the plan of salvation.

We start learning Dutch on Tuesday... super nervous, but also super excited!! Het komt goed. it's all gonna be ok! De Gave van Talen is real!! (gift of tongues)

Happy 4th of Juli, iedereen!! 

Tot ziens,

Zuster Weaver

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