
Another week in the HMTC!! I got my flight plans this week!! I fly out of SLC Monday, August 2nd at 9:50 AM. It's so weird to think about ACTUALLY leaving haha... I'm so excited though. It's finally becoming real! Washington DC, here I comeeeee.

Story about the title haha. Our teachers this week were teaching us colors. We went through the rainbow and a few other colors. Our teacher, Zuster D, tells us "ok, the word for silver is crazy long. Brace yourselves." She then spells out this word for us. We're all kind of like...?? What in the world, Dutch? They had us practice saying it 5 times, then run and tell a family member the word for silver. So we all run and tell a family member this reallyyyyy long word. We get back and continue with the lesson. Towards the end of class, they say "Ok zendelingen (that's dutch for missionaries), we need to tell you something. Silver is actually just ...zilver." We were OUTRAGED. These are our teachers, we're trusting them to teach us Dutch, then they just pull pranks on us like.... come on, that's rude.... 😂 It was really funny though haha! They told us they wouldn't do it again, but we're trusting them completely to teach us the CORRECT words, didn't think it would be this hard haha!

I GOT TO MEET ZUS LAY IN PERSONNNNNNN. She's from Provo, so we decided to meet up and do companion study in person!! It was the BEST. It was so fun to actually meet her and see her in person, after spending so much time on zoom together! She plays the violin, and we played a few songs together (with me on the piano). It was so fun! I love music, and I love sharing it with people. It's so fun to have a comp that I have that in common with!! We met some of our district that lives in Utah at a restaurant in Sandy. It was geweldig (awesome) to meet them all in person. Pics of us and our cute faces at the link below! ;) Dad and the younger boys went down with me. On the way home I was practicing my dutch pronunciation by reading het Boek van Mormon out loud. I read 3 Nephi chapter 11 out loud to Dad. It took a good 30 minutes and my throat hurt a little after... but I was able to understand some of the phrases and kind of knew what it was talking about!! #progress

I'm speaking in church next week!! 9 AM at the north church in Paradise (by the Cracker Barrel). Brunch served afterward at the park nextdoor!

My pictures are in a Google Photos album now! Click the link below and it should take you to it :) I added a little description on each photo too!

→ Click here for pictures ←

I'd love to see any comments on my post, or any emails!! Love you all!

Tot ziens,

Zuster Weaver

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