if this is the last time

Heyyyy lieve mensen,

Wow this week was absolutely crazy. A lot of emotions. Again, lol. I'm gonna miss this place so much!!!!

- went to Kinderdijk for pday last week, GORGEOUS weather and it just happened to be free that day. Amazing.

- dying temple trip on Wednesday... it hurt my heart cuz it means I'm leaving but the temple always brings peace :) lekker kapsalon erna, je weet hoe het gaat

- finallyyyy stopped on the afsluitdijk on the way to the temple!! Only took me 10 months but I did it. 

- back to back appointments and 12 hour days a lot this week. ....and instead of relaxing when you get home, you get to pack instead. It's a #miracle I made it through

- said goodbye (💔) to some freaking amazing people this week. I expected the tears at Petra's, but when Soyla and Kemal read my note and both broke down crying I got caught a little off guard... Kemal kept thanking me specifically for what I've done for them. It wasn't a lot, I promise haha. But I'm so glad I got to know them and be a part of their journey :))

- asked to play a musical number in church my last week!! ....then they also asked me to speak! I'll say it was the most last-minute prepared talk of my LIFE, I've been so stressed this week. BUT I made it through the entire thing without crying. ....then I sat back down and it started. I hate the thought of leaving all these people I love. That's all.

- Jace, the coolest 8 year old ter wereld, didn't realize I was leaving... he thought I was staying forever... he was literally crying when he said goodbye to me. Which of course helped me cry too. Jace please, I'll come back. ❤️❤️

- Richard came to church!!!!! Our contact with him has been spotty at best the past few weeks, but we texted him that I was leaving and he showed up at church!!!!! Definitely a miracle :))

- finally left Leeuwarden, for the last time on my mission... driving away with my suitcases in the car felt surreal. I'm at the point with Leeuwarden and even the BNZ that I just want to get out. I feel like I've been saying goodbye for two weeks now and it just hurts. I just want to be done being sad. But I still have a few days left, so we'll see how many more people I can say bye to that will make me cry haha I guess:/

Hey if you're reading this I love you and I'm grateful for you and the part you've played in my life :)) thanks for being you, you do it amazingly ❤️❤️

And hey, it's almost Christmas!! Jesus is a Light and He gave part of that Light to You. And You are Very Special. You have a Light that no one else has!! And only You can share that Light in the way He needs you to:)) so go #LighttheWorld cuz no one else can do it đŸ•¯

Ik hou van jullie echt veel 

Ik ga nog ÊÊn volgende week schrijven, vrees niet 

De kerk is waar en God houdt van jou!!!!


Z Weave ❤️💔đŸ‡ŗ🇱


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