Afscheid nemen is altijd moeilijk ๐Ÿ’”

Hoi lieve mensen!!

I hope y'all are doing good ❤️ I had a good week, just veryyyy hard haha... 

We were at Petra's on Wednesday, helping her build her house. I was able to make it through more of it than I did last week haha!! I was mostly helpful ๐Ÿ˜… we got done, and I sat down on the floor cuz I was tired. I was sitting listening to Petra en Zr Thomas talk and realized how much I was going to miss Petra, coming to her house every week and learning from her. I definitely started crying. Just sitting on the floor in her unfinished living room, crying because I will miss her... I'm just grateful I still have one more week.

We had mission conference this week!! And our Christmas party. It was the bestttttt. It was in Brussels, Belgiรซ so I finally got to see that part of the mission haha! ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช I loved being able to see everyone. I was able to share my testimony as a departing missionary. It was good, I was very emotional through the whole thing. I love my mission and I love Leeuwarden and I love the missionaries here and I don't want to leave. Saying goodbye to everyone afterwards was the hardest thing I've ever done... we got back in the car for a 2 hour drive back to the apartment we stayed at, and I literally just cried the whole way.... I don't want to go. I felt like I'd just had to say goodbye to all of my best friends that I'd met in the Netherlands in one day. Without knowing when I'll see them again. Yeah, it was pretty rough. ๐Ÿ’”

Sunday was testimony meeting at church. I was not planning on getting up, I didn't want to approach the emotions that I knew would come ๐Ÿ˜… ...until one of our members asked me to translate her testimony for her. A couple really special things happened 

--> our friend Valeria was there, the testimony really touched her and she started to cry :) 

--> I haven't translated in a while, I was pretty nervous. I said a quick prayer for the gift of tongues on the way up to the pulpit and MAN I'm a just say it works. It was fire. I was very happy with it.

--> by the end of her testimony a few people in the congregation were crying. I knew I was up there for a reason so I had to stay and share something too. So here I am, looking again this group of people that I know and love, trying to tell them how much I've loved it here. You know I started crying then too. There were many tears in that group of people. I didn't say goodbye to them that day, but they all know next week is my last week... the pre-goodbyes aren't very easy either.

Some other things that were also good this week haha:) -->

- had exchanges with Zr Hammer!! Lowkey a mission Bucket List item, so that was fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

- tried a cherry oliebol 

- had a district pday in Leeuwarden (finally lol) 

- my daily nap time is down to 1-2 hours instead of 6-8, so that's a win.

- sang the mission song with everyone at mission conference!! That was pretty cool. 

- watched the Christmas devo with Kevin and Celine for FHE 

Despite the heartbreak it's been a good week haha :) I'm trying REAL hard not to think about this time next week. Or having to go through the rest of this week saying my real goodbyes to people. But they'll always be in my heart, and I will come back. ❤️

ANYWAYS that's the emotional roller coaster that my brain--and heart--have been on lately!! 

I'm just grateful that God loves me anough to put so many amazing people in my life. And if you're reading this He's put YOU in my life, en daarvoor ben ik ook dankbaar:)

Ik hou van jullie, en God houdt van je ook :)) en ik hou ook van mijn zending en gemeente Leeuwarden :))


Z Weave ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ’”

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