
Showing posts from April, 2022

Leeuwarden is de Leukste 🥳

Hallo iedereen!! Another p day, another email from Zuster Weaver haha :) This week has been good!! A lot of hard parts, but such is life. Sometimes I think I've learned everything I possibly could about being a missionary or having a companion. But it doesn't take me too long to be humbled again... 😅 We had some awesome teaching moments this week!! We had an impromptu lesson with a less active member I've never met before. She told us she'd literally been thinking about the elders the day before, then suddenly we showed up on her porch!! God knows you so well and He knows just what you need :)) We gave our most progressing friend back to the Lord this week... the fact that I knew enough Dutch for that lesson to go well was solely from the gift of tongues. The spirit was definitely present and we all parted ways uplifted and on good terms!! We had exchanges, an IND appointment for visa stuff, lots of driving time, and just a good old party up here in Leeuwarden :) I dro...

Gewoon doen, gewoon ...don't

Hoi iedereen!! This week flew by, but it also crawled... haha :) There were a lot of ups and a lot of hard parts! But so it goes.  - I said bye to Z Lund this week... that was sad. But she's home now with her family, so that's happy:) - I saw Z Lay, my MTC comp!!!!!! She finally made it to Nederland and even though I'm not serving close to her yet, she's a lot closer now than we were before;) - I got my new comp!!! Z Medico is just out of training and we're ready to PARTY here in Nederland together.  - ...I translated for Sunday school at church!! Holy cow, the gift of tongues is real. It was wayyyy far from perfect, but she understood more than if I hadn't been doing anything!! I felt very accomplished and grateful for my studying and for the gift of tongues :)) - We went flower street contacting!! I was so proud of myself haha!! Between the two of us we have very little street contacting experience. But we did it!! And we met a lady who gave us her number and ...

So Apparently....

Hoi Iedereen!! Another exciting week has come and gone!! Time flies so fast on a mission. Here are some of the highlights of this week!!  - We recorded audio and video for a music video!! It won't come out for another few weeks, but it was so fun to be a part of.  - ...we got rear ended..? There were no dents in our bumper, just a few marks on the paint. And very little damage to the other car!! Definitely a blessing that it wasn't worse. We spent an hour or so working on paper work. If you're ever planning on filling an accident form out in Dutch, be sure to have your Google translate handy. Even then you still might not know what's happening.   - We had a few amazing lessons with some less active members in our branch!! I love seeing the effect the Spirit has on people. They start wanting to change, to make something better of our lives!! It's so fun to be a part of :))  - I'm driving now! Driving in the Netherlands is a little different than both VA and UT. I...

Keukenhof en Algemene Conferentie 🌷

Hoi jullie!! This week was awesome. We went to the giant tulip festival in the Netherlands, called Keukenhof. It was AMAZING. I loved it. We did service that morning, we picked up trash on the way to the temple!! I got to see the temple again, and it made my life :)) Then we spent 2 hours at Keukenhof and it was glorious. So pretty!! The next day it snowed... so that was good timing haha! I loved general conference too. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year!! We watched a session with our district which was fun. We ended up watching another with one of our favorite members who has started coming back to church. She told us afterwards that she probably would have turned it off had we not been there. The talks in that session had some heavier topics and it was clearly something she had needed to hear. I'm grateful we were able to do a little part of the Lord's work and help her hear some important things :) It's the last week of the transfer! I have a few ide...