
Hallo iedereen!!

This week has been pretty interesting! It's been so good though :) I found out today my friend Ian, from my last area a few months ago, is on date to be baptized!! And I might be able to go!!!! I'm so excited :) and so excited for Ian!!! :)) I hope I can go and see him again!! 

One thing I've been very grateful for this week is the comforting and guiding influence of the Holy Ghost! I usually think of Him more as a comfort. I forget that He can warn you when you're somewhere you shouldn't be or if something is about to happen. We had a few experiences this week where I was very grateful for His guidance and keeping us safe. Always listen to the Spirit!! 

We stopped teaching one of our friends this week, which was pretty sad... She's leaning more on the temporal blessings of attending church than the spiritual blessings, and that's not what it's here for. But one of our friends from a few months ago met with us again and she's been reading the Book of Mormon on her own!! We're pretty excited to keep working with her. She told us two months ago that she wanted to get baptized, then we didn't hear from her in a while.. So hopefully this round goes better :)

Ik hou van jullie!!! De kerk is waar!! The Book of Mormon has great spiritual power, but it even has physical power. I've learned that this week too. 

Oh also, surprise, I got flight plans and am leaving for the Netherlands on March 1st!!! Ik ben heel opgevond!!! Ik ben mijn nederlands oefenen elke dag, dus het zal super goed zijn :D


Zuster Weaver


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