Gelukkig nieuwjaar!!

Hallo iedereen!!

Hoe gaat het met jullie?? Ik hoop dat iedereen een super goede nieuwjaar is hebben :)

My week has been good! We spent a grand total of seven (7) hours getting covid tested on Tuesday... It was a long day haha... But the results were negative! So that's good! We got hit with some sort of weird fatigue bug, or something. Sis Arnold was exhausted for a few days, then I got it. We stayed in and took it a little slower until we were both back to full speed. If you don't feel good, you need to take time to feel better! I'm a big believer in that!

For New Year's we got chickfila! And went to bed at 10:30, as we should :) We had a snow day today!! It snowed a good six to eight inches this morning. It definitely made my northern-Utah soul happy to get snow :)) I wish we could've had it for Christmas, but I'll take it when I can get it! We were grounded today so we aren't allowed to drive. (They don't get enough snow here for people to know how to drive in it--so we all just have to stay home.) We went out and played in the snow for a few minutes!! And made missionary snow angels, haha! It was way fun :)

We haven't been able to meet with our friends for over two weeks, which has been a little rough... But with the holidays being over we're hoping they have more time to meet with us! We're hoping to extend baptismal dates to two of our friends this week. Praying that goes well!

Ik hou van jullie!! Blijf het doden :) Ik ben heel dankbaar voor de nieuwjaar en alle de gelegenheid wij hebben om beter te worden!

Frees niet, gewoon doen!


Zuster Weaver :D

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