
Showing posts from January, 2022

There is no Christ-like attribute in church ball.

 Hallo iedereen!! We were talking with our bishop this week, he was sharing his thoughts on church basketball... and he said there are no Christ-like attributes in church ball. That made me laugh pretty hard 😂😂 I know some people who will agree with me and some who definitely won't haha! But I totally agree with it 😂 This week was good!! We had zone conference, which was amazing as always. I love seeing other missionaries I've served with before!! One of the best parts of zonecon :) Our miracle friend from last week said he didn't want to be taught anymore, so that's been rough... but you just gotta keep pushing forward.  I had a bonus interview with my mission president and his wife this week! They gave me some amazing counsel. I'm very grateful for them and their leadership, and the love they have for each missionary they serve with :) I'm also so grateful for priesthood blessings!! I got one this week that gave me so much peace. Never hesitate to get a pri...

Transfer 5 week 1

Hallo iedereen!! I hope everyone is doing amazingly :) I'm doing well!! This week flew by. In a good way!! My trio is so much fun. We all get along really well and that's good :) Transfers went well, we've had a lot of member lessons this week. We had a referral come to church with us and he seems really interested, so please pray for Shamar! He's pretty leuk, hopefully our lesson with him this week goes well. Spiritual thought of the day: turning your heart over to the Lord and trusting in His will doesn't mean you won't worry! It's ok to worry about things. It's part of life. It doesn't mean you don't have faith. :) Ik hou van jullie!!! De kerk is waar!! Love, Zuster Weaver


What a week!! It's been a little crazy. We had exchanges and interviews. I think I had a sinus infection... I have not been feeling too great, and I've been sleeping a LOT. 😅 But I'm doing better!! We got our booster shots this week too, so that knocked us out a little more. And transfer news!!! Sister Arnold and I are staying together in Lake Ridge (which makes me SO happy :D) and we're getting another sister!!!! It's trio time part two!!! I'm excited. A little nervous, but pretty excited :) If you put your mind to having a positive experience, then turn it over to the Lord, He will help you make it a positive experience!! I can promise that. :) when we ask Him for help and put in the work on our side, it all works out!  Ik hou van jullie!! De kerk is waar!!!! The Lord loves you and so do I! :) Love, Z Weave

10 januari 2022

Hallo iedereen!! I don't have a lot of time today. There's been so much that happened this week!! A quick snapshot: :D  - the fire alarm in our apartment building went off Tuesday morning at about midnight! We vacated the building, in our pajamas, and waited for about 30 minutes until the firemen cleared it so we could go back in and go back to bed.  - One of the member families we visited made an igloo out of all the snow in their yard! They let us go in it, and it was the COOLEST thing!!!  - Another member in my ward has an atlas of the world from Germany in 1823. There's a page with a map of the Netherlands!  - We were serving at an assisted living home. I got to play the piano for a good 45 minutes, then Elvis came and did a concert for us. Because it was his birthday. Weirdest mood change of my life, from playing "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" to some guy dressed up as Elvis singing love songs to everyone...  - We were cleared to do in-person missionary me...

Gelukkig nieuwjaar!!

Hallo iedereen!! Hoe gaat het met jullie?? Ik hoop dat iedereen een super goede nieuwjaar is hebben :) My week has been good! We spent a grand total of seven (7) hours getting covid tested on Tuesday... It was a long day haha... But the results were negative! So that's good! We got hit with some sort of weird fatigue bug, or something. Sis Arnold was exhausted for a few days, then I got it. We stayed in and took it a little slower until we were both back to full speed. If you don't feel good, you need to take time to feel better! I'm a big believer in that! For New Year's we got chickfila! And went to bed at 10:30, as we should :) We had a snow day today!! It snowed a good six to eight inches this morning. It definitely made my northern-Utah soul happy to get snow :)) I wish we could've had it for Christmas, but I'll take it when I can get it! We were grounded today so we aren't allowed to drive. (They don't get enough snow here for people to know how to...